NHT 2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom House in Hammersmith, Trelawny, Jamaica
The site is regular in shape and has a gentle descent from the access road, which allows surface water to drain freely. There were a few ornamental plants and fruit trees on site. All boundaries were open and concrete steps and paved walkway provided access onto the property. Ingress and egress are via Keisha Boulevard. There were concrete steps to the rear and side, which appears to give access to the lower basement and rear of ground floor
Address Hammersmith, Trelawny, Jamaica
Country Jamaica
Province/State Trelawny
- Property ID 54703
- Price JMD $22,000,000
- Property Type House, NHT, Private Treaty
- Property status For sale
- Bedrooms 2
- Bathrooms 2
- Size 1,499 SqFt
- Land area 3,874 SqFt
- Label Private treaty